Dugnad (DK)
The collective Dugnad is next-door neighbors to Kunstrum Fyn and owners of one of the barns in which Tårup Dark Sky Festival takes place. Dugnad consists of three families, who have chosen to live together and share their everyday life. Altogether six adults and four children make up the collective. All adults have higher education within either natural sciences, humanities, or social sciences. Dugnad try to distance themselves from conventional consumerism, and strive to support an environmentally and socially sustainable lifestyle where creativity and inclusion is central. They wish to support the presence of local biodiversity on their property and they want to engage in social activities in the village of Tårup. Dugnad will have a presentation about their collective during the festival.
Members of Dugnad, Biologist Martin Schier Christiansen, will contribute with a night walk focusing on butterflies existing in the dark. Join his search for beautiful butterflies in the night, where you will be amazed by the multitude of life that exists in the dark. Ph.d Candidate in Geography Mikkel Toft Hornum, also member of Dugnad, has created Terraskopet (terrascope), an outdoor sculpture created from objects that have emerged from the ground under the Collective Dugnad. If you look through the terrascope, you will see a very small but important part of the universe.
Illustration by Marie Rubæk Holm